Welcome to the tech assist blog. Here you will find my musings, ideas and opinions. I encourage you to get in touch if there is something you want to read about, know what I think or get some advice, help and tips.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

iPhone sleep/wake button problems

Lately there has been a lot of attention on problems with the iPhone 5 sleep/wake button. It seems there are people suffering from intermittent results or failure to work at all.

Luckily Apple has caught on and this time have come up with a solution to help - The iphone 5 sleep/wake button replacement program.

If you are (un)lucky enough to own a particular model of iPhone 5 you will be able to get the button mechanism replaced FREE of charge. Just head on over to https://ssl.apple.com/support/iphone5-sleepwakebutton/ and type in your serial number (found under Settings > General > About). If you get a positive result you can post your phone to Apple or take it into a store where they will(/may) provide a loan phone while yours is repaired. Caution: sync and backup your iPhone before taking into a store, just in case.

Now then, what if you are one of those suffering from this same problem but you don't qualify for the FREE repair? You don't want to pay for it do you?

There is an alternative, a relatively unknown feature available on iOS - AssistiveTouch.
You will find the option in Settings > General > Accessibility.
Enabling this feature will place a 'button' over the top of iOS throughout and is even accessible on the lock screen. Tapping the button will give you instant access to a variety of functions.
Firstly you will be shown the following:

  • Siri - Activates straight away
  • Favourites - In here you can add some custom gestures to do various things like pinch to zoom
  • Home button - Will do the same as the physical Home button, including double/triple tap
  • Device - This will open up access to 6 more functions shown below

  • Volume Up/Down
  • Mute/Unmute
  • Rotate Screen
  • Lock Screen (the one you have been looking for)
As well as these you will also find a further option labelled More where you can pickup 4 more functions (below).
  • Screenshot - This will not capture the AssistiveTouch buttons
  • Multitasking
  • Shake
  • Gestures (further below) - this provides access to 2-5 finger gestures

The AssistiveTouch button can be moved around the screen's edge, very helpful for using within different apps, especially when changing orientations. It will also fade a little when not in use to help reduce distraction further.

Obviously this button can only help so much, if you have problems with both your sleep/wake button and your home button then I suggest getting at least one of them replaced. You will also be stuck with powering off/on if your sleep/wake button is faulty as there is not an option to 'reboot' your iphone. Holding the physical Home button and the AssistiveTouch Lock Screen button will not force a reboot, shame.

I recommend heading over to Replace Base for your parts if you need to do your own repair.

iPhone 5S parts
iPhone 5C parts
iPhone 5 white button set
iPhone 5 black button set
iPhone 4 button set
iPhone 4S button set

Hopefully this will help those in trouble.
If you have any issues I'm always here to answer your queries.


Thursday, 10 April 2014

Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2014 - What to expect and what you want

I am writing this on the train home from Edinburgh so you will have to excuse me if I ramble as I am disturbed by other passengers and ticket inspectors. Next time I'm up here it's the air for me!

So, WWDC14 has been announced, tickets have been released, via a raffle (many are seriously upset by this) and the rumours are rolling in. As with past events WWDC is the time of the year for Apple to show off new software, usually in the form of OSX and iOS, new SDK for the devs that get to attend and usually some hardware announcements/sneak-peeks. This we can all expect to kick off June 2nd (about 18:00 GMT).

What can we expect to see though? Here is a rundown of the things that have been discussed of late:

iWatch - I have lost count of the number of times this has been rumoured to be making an appearance now. So long in fact that other companies are getting onto 2nd iterations of a smart-watch with Apple still to show off their own. At the moment there is a huge push in fitness tracking and the watch has been adapted (for some years now) to enable logging of your activities and send it directly to your smartphone to view in all it's glory. To be honest this seems like a bit of a fad to me. The main thing I want from my watch is for it to look great, have a good weight to it and in the world of smart-watches allow me to do those things I get my phone out of my pocket to do on a daily basis that constantly drain the battery - see my previous blog for tips on increasing the time you get from your iOS device. These things are; the time (duh), the date, the weather, see who is calling/texting/emailing/generic social networking me, traffic/underground alerts and change up the music track/volume. Beyond that I don't need it to chime, tell me how unfit I am nor do I want to browse on it, read books, play games and watch movies. Those last few things are designed for larger screens, where the content can be appreciated not endured. Perhaps an NFC chip would be beneficial, to replace my bank card for small transactions and maybe even my Oyster (travel) card. In order for Apple to win me over on the smart-watch front it needs to take the steel pebble watch, add NFC, wireless charging & a slightly better screen and I'm sold. A similar price would help as well, none of this $1000 price tag I've read about. Failing all that maybe the (not so) secret Will I Am smart-watch can fill the void.

iPhone 6 - By now it is a given to expect a new iPhone model to be announced at WWDC, it is there to provide a platform for the new SDK and iOS to be tested on before release. In a dramatic turn of events it seems Apple are finally going to go for a larger sized screen despite arguing anything more than the current iPhone 5S/C screen is a waste as it renders the phone inoperable with just one hand, I can't help but think of the new washing powder that comes out that can get your whites even whiter than the previous one they brought out that also claimed to get your whites whiter, any whiter and they'll be transparent. Anyway, I'm glad. I'm sick of having screen envy everytime I see another smartphone. I know it can suck the life out of your battery and any nearby person can easily read your emails and texts over your shoulder but sometimes I just want to be able to view a YouTube video or read an email without having to place the phone about 5 inches from my face.
The other big rumours are the form factor - something similar to the iPad Air/Mini and the option of 2 sizes - 4.7 and 5.5 inch screen (I'll have the larger one thank you).

iPad Air 2 - Not a lot expected here, the normal boost to specs and perhaps the adoption of TouchID.

iPad mini with retina display - Add to that TouchID and you have yourself a new version.

12.9 inch iPad Pro - Information is still very minimal on this one. Seems unrealistic to me, there may be problems getting the touchscreen to perform at the high standard expected. If I were to go for something this size it would be a MacBook Air.

12 inch MacBook Air - Fanless, thinner and buttonless touchpad, how much thinner can it get?

iMac - Possibly the first hardware release of 2014 and maybe even a low budget version to purely boost sales. Given the iPhone 5C was supposed to be a budget version and still retained the high level standards this could be a good choice for those moving to Mac for the first time.

Apple TV - Still no actual TV set expected to arrive but an upgraded set top box with an App Store & motion control. I'm looking forward to this, much like the iWatch, Apple seem to be holding back on an upgrade like this to allow others to realease something to compete against. Mirroring from an iPad/iPhone is ok, not great. Better when a developer has put an option especially for it into an app, a good example is Real Racing which turns the device into a digital track and car stats plus a motion controlled steering wheel allowing you to concentrate wholy on the action on screen.

OSX - The latest version of OSX Mavericks may only have some slight upgrades. These can be expected to appear with stock apps like iTunes and Safari, system wide changes may go towards a flat design much like iOS7 and now we can expect the ability to output in 4K.

iOS8 - There has been very little in the way of rumours of information about the next version of iOS. Other than a slightly new layout to accomodate the new screen sizes and possible fitness, car play and watch utility apps there isn't much else to go on. Still we are missing the live tiles that Android users flaunt (I know iOS can do it, I can see the second hand moving on the clock) and the ability to place icons exactly where you want, allowing you to form a frame of apps around the wallpaper you actually want to view on your home screen. I imagine we can expect some small improvements in the flat design, hopefully a vast improvement in the notification/control centre screens as they are rather clumsy and frustrating at times.

Image sourced from gadgets.ndtv.com

That's all I can bring to you for now, I'm sure as we draw closer to WWDC there will be a lot more to talk about.

Let me know what it is you expect to see or want to see in the new hardware/software from Apple, or from anybody else for that matter. I have to admit I am being drawn in by the Sony Xperia Z2 at the moment, mostly for the screen and of course the water proof capability but given the timeframe of a new iPhone I find myself holding off for now.


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

My history of mobile phones (the good and the bad)

A graph by Replace Base showing the approximate trend of mobile phone size over time.

This topic will bring back good and some not so good memories from years gone by.

I saw the image above on replacebase.co.uk (great site for all your mobile and console spares and repairs) and it got me thinking about my history of mobile phones, the ones I've owned and loved and the ones I wish I never saw.

There have always been bad decisions to be made by someone about something, hairstyles, clothes and of course technology, in this case the mobile phone. Over the years there really has been quite a few stinkers and I'm pretty sure I owned 1 or 2 of them. This led me to think about each device I have owned since the beginning.

You never forget your first, mine was a Philips BT Cellnet C12. Rubber buttons, teeny tiny green LCD screen and an AERIAL!!

I have tried to compile a full list of all the mobiles I have owned and have come up with 20. It will become obvious while reading the list how the number can be quite high considering the average time you own a mobile now could be between 18-24 months for contracts and possibly longer for PAYG. If you want to know more about each phone click the name to get a full tech-spec and some pictures.

1. Philips BT Cellnet C12

My first mobile phone, my first taste of that phone call/SMS freedom. No more did I have to wait in at a certain time for my friends to call the house phone, I could text them on the way.
This phone was pretty popular, sweet curved top and a removable aerial.
The screen was a green LCD with very little ability to impress.

Who didn't have one? This was an iconic mobile from Nokia, it had the fancy ringtones, covers you could change (I had a case that resembled the Matrix phone), no aerial and of course Snake.

The rugged, tough body Nokia, again with covers you could change. This time it was shock resistant and dust/splash proof. I spent most of the time taking the cover off & putting it back on and chucking around, you know, to test it.

My first small phone and flip phone. I remember the adverts really played this up and made it look awesome, in reality it looked more like a digital washing machine, pants!

Despite being a Sony phone as far as I remember the audio quality wasn't all that great, nothing like the walkman phones. The coolest feature on here was the ability to record your own ringtone, we recorded someone in class saying "Help, let me out!" stuck it in a cupboard and rang it when the teacher was back in the room, classic.

Another teeny mobile but absolute class. It had the changeable covers and flashing lights. In fact I liked this so much I bought one on eBay a few years ago to use in secure buildings where camera phones are frowned upon, very handy. This was the first time I started some hacking on phones. I had this plugged into the PC via a serial cable and had some software to unlock and create my own ringtones and even change the image from my service provider to whatever I wanted, it did have it limitations though given the screen was pretty small and monochrome.

This was my first mobile to have 3G, it was huge and awful. You could buy new games and ringtones on it though which was pretty cool at the time, however they were pretty awful once you tried them out. I was pretty glad to get rid of this behemoth.

The amazing media smartphone of it's time. This thing could do so much and it even had expandable storage via a Sony memory stick, I was proud to shove my 128MB card in there to really pack out the number of songs and movies. The option to remove the keyboard was pretty cool and the added stylus made photo editing and browsing a breeze. Pretty slow though.

Sticking with SonyE' I traded down to this swanky little number. Not a lot to say, you could compose your own tones and download some pretty realistic polyphonic tones - my choice was Darude Sandstorm.

My 2nd Samsung and it's another slip/clam phone. I don't know why I chose this, it just seemed cool at the time, it had a front facing camera which always took photos in my pocket and you could mess about with photos after taking them. Apart from that it may as well have been a colour version of the first Samsung I had.

Back to Nokia and onto a slider this time. This phone was a pretty good stepping stone towards better versions to follow. I did manage to smash the screen once and repaired it myself which was pretty easy.

I thought this was quite a tasty little phone, it felt quite business like using it. I really liked that the camera was covered when not in use, kept it in good condition.

13. Nokia N95
I would have to say that the N95 is responsible for knocking the 3210 down a peg or two. It had that cool slider form factor, both ways. One way revealed the keyboard and the other some very handy multimedia buttons, it also opened the media player. This was also a Nokia I had fun hacking, I remember an app for downloading YouTube videos direct and another to take advantage of the accelerometer. The camera was pretty awesome as well and again had the option of closing the cover to protect the lens.

I owned this for all of 3 days I think, it was pure rubbish. As far as I remember the OS was awful, the screen was crap and most of the time it didn't seem to want to do what you wanted it to do. It was sold rather promptly (for a profit) on eBay.

15. iPhone
The beginning of an era. The iPhone really did change the way we look at our mobile devices. They certainly weren't the first to try but they were the first to get it right. My only gripe was that it wasn't 3G compatible.

The website for this phone had it all, unfortunately the actual device did not. I'm not a huge fan of Android, I never hide that fact but this was really poor, every time I tried a new app it crashed, to uninstall the crashed app required me to reset, remove battery, stand on one leg, it was rubbish. And the chin on it was pretty useless as well.

I never really got the whole Blackberry thing, the last time I had a full keyboard was the P900 and that wasn't exactly necessary. I got this just to give it a whirl. Took me a while to get to grips with the typing, even today I can't do it that well. This one had the rollerball, quite temperamental but overall pretty fast.
Quite a solid phone this one with the slide out keyboard, worked really well apart form the wi-fi would always drop out and at the time I lived in the country so signal was pretty poo anyway, this lasted about a month I'd say, again sold on eBay with a  little profit again.

Quality. I knew I waited off while the 3G and the 3GS were released for a reason. It was because this was waiting for me. The most solid phone I have owned I would say. Still to this day both front and back are still intact and it lives on as a music hub in the house.

The only reason I moved on from the 4 was to get the 5. Nice to finally get a larger screen and with a thinner bezel you can't complain. Great camera on this one, so good I leave my compact in the drawer now. Biggest problem - battery! Living in London kills it as well. I have a Mophie juice pack and I easily get through 2 charges a day.

21. ???
Who knows what will be next.
There is a hell of a lot of competition out there now, certainly some thing stat grab my attention. I must say a larger screen is more appealing and the idea of it being waterproof is a winner.
The Samsung Galaxy S5 looks like a plaster so that's a no. The Sony Xperia Z2 has caught my eye, the screen looks amazing, the camera can do more than what I need it do and it is water/dust proof. One problem is the OS - Android. I'm tied into Apple now, iOS simply does everything you want. Beyond all the flashy fancy things an Android phone can do it is still, in my opinion, a second rate OS. If the iPhone6 comes out this September though and it is missing something big to keep me you may find me sliding to the dark side.

Do you remember your first phone? Do you want to remember it? Let me know your best and your worst.