The big dog from England Sir Jony Ive will be responsible for fixing the mess Forstall made of iOS, removing the awful skeuomorphic designs from stock apps and hopefully tearing back to a more stable and slick view. Despite the cock-ups of late with the whole Apple maps fiasco, there was obviously a clear reason behind it all, Apple wanted Google to enable turn by turn on the maps, Google wouldn't do it (for FREE) so Apple release a mediocre mapping app and remove Googles from the stock selection. Low and behold what do we have a few months later? Google maps, the app, with turn by turn built in, FREE!
So, even though there was a 'cock-up' can we be blamed for pondering "Was it on purpose?"
I'm sure Jony won't want to deliver a half arsed design and tarnish his name so expect a lot from iOS7.
What would you like?
Split screens and 'Swype' texting - about time they caught up with their Android competitors!