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Saturday, 9 November 2013

A new age

It has been said that the next generation are growing up demanding more and more technology at a younger age.

Worries about children becoming unable to socialise and neck problems from staring at a screen for hours in end are in the media most days. Thing is, it's devices like the iPhone and iPad that are the new way to communicate, for us, for children it's the only way. In some places it is still going through the process of integration, in many others you can't get by without them.

Despite having such a wonderfully easy to use platform that 1 year olds can even manage to navigate you can be guaranteed that a child is still a child at heart. Today I saw a dad with his two children, they weren't demanding tech entertainment, they were enjoying the art if jumping off a high step, over and over again. It's this that proves that even though we now have easier access to tech it doesn't change what children want to do and that's to have fun and surprise us everyday.

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