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Monday, 6 May 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 Ad - Graduation Pool Party

The feud between Apple and Samsung has seen me almost change sides twice (Sony Xperia S & Galaxy S3).

I think it is hilarious, the constant battle in and out of court. If anything it's great advertising for both companies. Someone said recently that Apple don't follow on with the sort of attack seen in this video but if you cast your mind back a few years we had the amazing Mac -vs- PC adverts (US & UK versions) which were blatant and to the point, your PC was crap! Check out the videos by clicking on the desired country above for a few minutes of nostalgic humour, especially from Peep Shows greatest.
Anyway, back to this advert from Samsung, it's brilliant, it shows me all those things I never knew I needed and never knew to look for when I tried the phone out for myself. I must admit, I was slightly aroused by some of the features shown here, wave to answer, brilliant, hover to read a text as well, genius. However, once you get past these "innovative" features you're still left with a lack lustre Android device that will become redundant once the new candy flavoured OS comes out and your network provider decides you cant have it (unless you want to hack). Only this morning I saw an advert for the next Samsung budget handset, it looks pretty much like an S3 but it has last years top specs, this idea of trying to flood the market with so many options is clearly an attempt to attract as wide a demographic as possible, why can they not design something that catches everyone, with 1 or 2 devices? There has been one out there since 2007, just don't copy it exactly and you'll be ok.
Anyway, enjoy the video,


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