Welcome to the tech assist blog. Here you will find my musings, ideas and opinions. I encourage you to get in touch if there is something you want to read about, know what I think or get some advice, help and tips.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Time to give it a go

So, I'm starting this up as it seems I was spending a lot of time online reading about things that interested me and even at some times they interested others but when it came to relaying the information I simply started with "I read this article..." so now it's time for me to share my findings, opinions, advice and maybe even some tips and advice (if you need/want it).

My main focus (if you don't know me already) will be Apple products. I'm not a fanboy but I do have a lot of respect for the company and the things they have achieved (pre Tim Cook). I will divulge into other areas of technology and geekery. My other passions involve Lego, rock climbing and the Dark Knight himself, Batman.

I'll start this off as I mean to go on, brief and to the point.

If you want to know what I think about something get in touch, if you want to know how to do something get in touch and if you want me to try something out for you get in touch (and we'll discuss).

Thanks for listening,


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